Helpful Do’s and Don’ts 


  • Take the initiative in starting the conversation. Ambassadors can only respond once a connection has been initiated, so you must reach out first! 
  • Always display professional behavior when interacting in the system and with RUSM Students and Alumni. 
  • Respect the time of alumni by having your topics ready to discuss prior to the scheduled interaction. 
  • Check the platform regularly and follow up in a timely manner. 

  • Directly ask ambassadors for a job or internship. 
  • Expect ambassadors to have the answer to all your career-related questions. When in doubt, contact the Admissions team for more information. 
  • Use inappropriate language or communicate in ways that are disrespectful, unprofessional, or derogatory. 

Due to the overwhelming interest in this program, we are limiting the number of connections allowed to ensure that everyone has the option to speak with ambassadors. Please seek connections from those that fit your criteria wisely. Thank you for your understanding!